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Change Beings with the One

In the heart of what we do is change, is love, is people—that’s Uganda.


The Henry Kalungi Foundation works to promote families in the urban slums of Kampala and the rural village of Bulemezi by providing, educating and with the building of a school and surrounding facilities.


To develop change within their community, love, empowerment and dignity are the first tools towards promoting people. Jesus is our backbone of empowerment.


Soccer was the tool that started the mission of change for the Kalungi family. This sport has changed lives and was the inspiration to a bigger impact for the community. 

Our Mission

Our mission is the transformation of Uganda through providing coaching, training, education and opportunity to promising Young Athletes. Their development will change their communities, and  in turn, the nation of Uganda will experience economic prosperity, developmental transformation and Aid in Countrywide health.

Change Begins with the One

An Established Effort

A Gripping Story

A Model with Measurable Success

Positively impacting the community